Bible verses about stock market

Bible verses about stock market

Posted: IT-DEN Date of post: 09.06.2017

By Khaleef Crumbley 35 Comments Tweet. A s Christians, we are called to be good stewards over the money and wealth with which God has provided to us.

So before we consider investing in stocks, we must find out if it is within God's will! Is investing in stocks a God-honoring way to grow our finances, or is it really being careless with God's money? Investing is not the same as gambling!

This is actually where a lot of Christians develop a fear of the stock market. Most people who make this assumption do so either out of fear or ignorance. Some are fearful of investing because it seems so complicated, so they assume that no one can understand it and so everyone must be gambling! Others just don't understand the mechanics of investing, or how much information is available to the common investor. It is beyond the scope of this article to catalog all of the ways in which investing is not gambling.

The bible is full of warnings about rushing to make money without any effort such as Proverbs The plans of the diligent lead surely to advantage, but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty. However, the concept of investing is not about throwing your money after something that you don't really understand, hastily and without a real plan. The basic idea of investing in stocks is this: To participate in and benefit from the growth and earnings of a particular company, through purchasing shares of ownership.

When someone has extra money and they want to look for legal ways to make that money grow, that is considered investing. The stock market gives individuals the unique opportunity to profit off of the growth and ingenuity of some of the world's largest companies! Now that we have taken a very brief look at what investing is and isn't, we now must consider whether someone who invests is demonstrating a lack of faith. This is where Jesus sends out his 12 Apostles to preach His word, heal the sick, and perform various miracles throughout Israel.

He gives them instructions on where to go, what to do, and dangers to look out for and even uses this time to talk about future things. However it is Jesus' instructions on what items to take along for the journey, that we want to take a look at now… Matthew Do not acquire gold, or silver, or copper for your money belts, or a bag for your journey, or even two coats, or sandals, or a staff; for the worker is worthy of his support.

As we see here, Christ was teaching them to trust in the Lord for all provision and care. This would be experienced through the kindness of those to whom they ministered in these various towns.

They were not to take extra materials with them planning for their future needbecause God would work things out so that they would have all that they need! This should be a great encouragement to us as believers, because we know that God is able to provide for us no matter what our current situation may be.

However, there is something that we need to take notice of when considering this passage. First, Jesus' words to the apostles were specific for this journey. We can see that from looking at His words to these same men in Luke And He said to them, When I sent you out without money belt and bag and sandals, you did not lack anything, did you? He is now telling them to use normal means to provide for themselves storing and planing for the future, buying, selling, etcrather than just to go out with the bare minimum and count on God's providence in a more pronounced way as in the Matthew 10 passage.

This passage in Luke 22 is describing Jesus Christ's last words to his disciples before he was crucified. He was giving them instructions on how to carry out God's mission for them after His death. Therefore, it is clear that God was not condemning the concepts of investing, saving, and preparing for the future in Matthew 10because he then instructs the disciples to make these concepts a part of their lives at the end of His earthly ministry. So based on a proper understanding of God's intention when sending the apostles out to preach, we can see that the ideas of investing and faith do not contradict one another.

Another idea that is often brought up is that of God's general promise of provision negates the need to invest or plan for the future. For this reason I say to you, do not be worried about your life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

Are you not worth much more than they? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, 29yet I say to you thath through physical strength and our intellect — and then putting us in a position to use those abilities. Hear what God's word has to say about those who have the God-given ability to provide for themselves and their family, but choose to sit around waiting for other provision instead:.

For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: For we hear that some among you are leading an undisciplined life, doing no work at all, but acting like busybodies. Now such persons we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ to work in quiet fashion and eat their own bread.

As we can see, God's normal way of provision is to line up your abilities with someone who is willing to pay for those abilities, so you can work to support yourself.

bible verses about stock market

The ideas of God sustaining us and our human efforts go hand in hand. However, we must be certain to look to Godt not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. You of little faith! As you can see, Jesus tells his followers not to worry since God will provide the basic necessities of life — if He does it for birds and flowers, He will surely do it for His children those who seek after His kingdom!

However, this passage does not promote a sinful life of laziness, where we just sit around and pray and read the bible and food, money, shelter, and all of our other needs will just fall from the sky. Even the birds have to work to build nests, find food, and care for their young, but ultimately, it is God who provides for them all.

God's provision means a lot more than just raining down the things that we need without us doing any work for them. God oftentimes will provide for us by giving us the ability to earn money — bo at all times for His sovereign will to be done in our lives!

Of course there are more things that can be said about how those common verses that are used to teach that investing and planning for the future are equal to lacking faith in God, don't teach that at all. However, I think that we've seen enough from God's word to make that clear.

Stock Market - What The Bible Says

Let's move on to the main question at hand. The bible actually has quite a bit to say about investing for the future, but I just want to look at one main example and then give a few verses as well. See, I have gained five more talents. See, I have gained two more talents. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master. See, you have what is yours. I believe this to be the clearest picture of investing what God has given us in order to bear fruit for His kingdom.

The fact that Jesus actually uses money to illustrate this point, should be a clear indication that God has no problem with Christians who take the money that God has given us responsibility over, and wisely invests it!

In fact, he expects it! To be clear, this passage goes way beyond money and points to whatever talents and spiritual gifts we have. The point is that God expects us to use what He gives us, and it is therefore a sin to bury them in the ground and fail to use it.

Because of our economic system, money is the thing that we use in order to sustain us. In times of surplus, we are to give abundantly and invest and save for the future, so that in times of lack, we will have provision stored up for us!

We can also see it in the rebuke of the lazy man in Proverbs 6: When will you arise from your sleep? Therefore now I will make preparation for it. This article is about: Khaleef founded KNS Financial in order to assist people with financial matters in a more organized and systematic way. KNS Financial provides Personal Financial advice, Budgeting Assistance, Tax Preparation and Advice, Debt Management, and Economic Commentary.

He also writes for the Faithful With A Few blog where he seeks to help Christians understand how to manage their finances in a way that honors God. February 22, at 8: Tim Faith and Finance says. February 22, at 9: I think the Bible speaks so much about finance because it IS a big part of our lives, whether we like it or not. I personally do not like the idea of holding investments that are tied to companies that derive income from abortion, pornography, or gambling, etc. Can we keep from associating with any company that sells lottery tickets…no way.

Good follow up question Evan! February 22, at I am just curious how some people would come down on this topic…fantastic post from Khaleef. February 25, at 7: I think that is the big question when it comes to Christians investing. On the one hand, we should not seek to derive profit from blatant sin such as investing in Playboy. However, it is possible to take this principle so far that it becomes impossible to do anything more than breathe.

As Fred stated below, if we take this to the extreme, we may have to avoid any store that sells cigarettes and things like that. I think that ultimately, we have to follow biblical principles regarding not partnering or linking up with ungodly things, and follow our conscience regarding those things. So, one person may not have a problem with an index fund, while someone else my choose not to invest at all. June 16, at 9: February 23, at There are several strains of thought on this as far as I can gather.

They say it is possible to invest only in morally sound companies and still get a good return. Others say that this is nearly impossible to screen every investment — because just about any investment you could find could be questionable on some level — and that we just need to do our best not to directly involve ourselves with a company like playboy for example that sells something we know to be morally wrong. Hopefully some of the dialogue here can help clarify it for me. Fred One Project Closer says.

February 23, at 8: For example, do you avoid because they have pornography behind the counter, or sell tobacco, or alcohol in some states. I think of mutual funds the same way… I am paying a mutual fund manager for his services with my money.

Now, if most of the mutual fund were invested in things I disagree with, I might feel differently. February 24, at 1: February 23, at 7: This is a really good article. As for the reader questions: We all have a future to think about, and money to manage to a greater or lesser degree. I invest in individual stocks that have been screen for these issues.

That being said, no company is clean from top to bottom, and all companies are impacted by sin at some level. Yes, this is a very tough question. I still struggle with it, but this is the conclusion I have come to. March 27, at 1: Totally enjoyed reading your post and pointed out things that as a beginner investor I would have overlooked.

I pray and trust the Lord goes before me even in things such as investing. System trading lab 26, at March 10, at 8: Great post Khaleef, and perfect for the BibleMoneyMatters. I do a monthly Investment Proverbs every month with a different theme. Here are additional verses on Investing with Biblical Principles for anyone interested: Derrik Hubbard, CFP says.

March 12, at To answer your first question, Khaleef, I think that the bible addresses the issue of money so often because money is the way that we work out our value and belief system. It is the only area of our life that we cannot fake because how to handle money reflects what we really believe and prioritize. I know that there are forex ea robot testing great companies out there that do a great job of screening the companies that are invested in.

Stewardship Stoploss in stock market Rusty Leonard is a company that comes to mind.

Also I know that Jay Peroni, a frequent blogger, has great resources on the subject. So, all that to say that I know that serious investors who want a pure investment have a lot of good alternatives. I think the point that others brought up in terms of maintaining a purity in your investments, but still supporting companies that promote an agenda that violates our values buying gas at the station that sells pornography somehow needs to be address so that we are not straining out the gnat and swallowing the camel.

Shari Lee Beynon says. October 15, at 9: For years, I have not thought about investing; however, I have inherited a small amount of money, and I would like to put it into something that would provide me income and be the safest, possible vehicle for the next twenty to twenty five years.

I am turning 70 in January. Do you have any suggestions? I was just wondering.

What Does the Bible Say About the Stock Market? - Solomon Success - Solomon Success

October 15, at 4: If he is a good person AND is good at what he does…why do you care if he is Christian or not? Seems very close minded and borders bigotry. October 15, at 7: I care, Evan, because it is important in that the Holy Spirit leads Christians into all truth, and He also shows us things to come. These are very important decisions I am getting ready to make, and I do not want to do it without knowing what God wants me to do. Maybe it is best explained through the Word itself—paraphrased, but with the passages acknowledged:.

We who are of God—that is to say that we who know God—can hear with our spiritual ears what God has to say about a thing, but those that when will ps4 be restocked at best buy not of God cannot hear spiritual things.

Actually, this is how we know and recognize the spirit of truth The best analyzer for binary options software the spirit of error—advice coming from someone who does not know God often speaks with the spirit of error.

YOU SEE, people who do not know Jesus as Lord and Savior cannot understand what God is saying in His Word because people who do not know Jesus cannot receive the Spirit of truth, or hear what He says, and they cannot see Him at work. They do not know Him, so they cannot see Him or hear Him. But Christians do know Him because He actually LIVES David jones easter trading hours adelaide US, and if you begin to see the wonder of knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior—if you recognize that doing life is far too hard to do alone—you can turn to Him and ask Him to forgive you and be the Lord of your life, THEN, He will DELIVER YOU and HE WILL ALSO LIVE IN YOU—and THEN, you, too, can spend the rest of your time here on earth learning about the Kingdom of God—where you will THEN, one day, live forever with Him.

You can THEN have the Peace of Jesus—regardless of what is going on around you. When Jesus was raised from the dead EasterHe was here on the earth for a time, and then He ascended to the Father, where He now sits on the throne of God at the right-hand of the Father, so He sent the Holy Spirit here to enter into the hearts and lives of Christians as a Comforter and Teacher.

So—it is written in the Bible that when we become Christians, the Spirit of truth, comes, and He guides us into all truth. Evan, after you hear a WORD OF TRUTH like this—if you decide to TRUST it and STEP OUT bible verses about stock market this TRUTH—ACCEPTING JESUS AS LORD of your life, then YOU TOO will be SEALED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT OF PROMISE, and you will be instantly transformed—NEVER TO LOOK BACK.

I hope this helps you to understand why I want Christian advice before I make my financial decisions. I want to know what God is telling others, especially those who do financial planning for a living, and I want to see if it lines up with what I believe the Holy Spirit is telling me.

It just so happens that I dearly love the young man who is helping me. He has been like a nephew to me since he was a little boy—but my love for him—as strong as it is—cannot fill his heart and mind with the wisdom and knowledge of God—only Jesus can do that when we turn our lives over to Him and surrender trying to do life ourselves, and let Him live through us. October 16, at 6: You think that God is literally talking to these Financial Advisors and giving them what stock to buy?

Sir with all due respect to your opinion, which should be respected, what Shari Lee is sharing is both spiritually sound and theologically sound. As a Christian, you yourself would know we are one family and as such you would go to family first for any life advice, vice depending on a Financial Planner who is a stranger to you. Livestock market prices uk are called to pray for one another, not judge one another.

I guess I took exemption when you stated she was narrow minded and borderline bigotry. Dear Lord, I admit that I am a sinner and cannot do life myself. I have done many things that I know are wrong. I have lived my life for myself. I am sorry, and I I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you died on the cross for me, Lord Jesus; I believe you came to save me because I am lost. I believe that You did for me that which I could not do for myself.

I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life, I give it to you. Bible verses about stock market me to live every day in a way that pleases you.

I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with indian stock market penny stocks. October 16, at 7: Evan, I have tried the best turtle trading system forex factory I know how to explain my position.

I guess if you still have a problem with it, you had best discuss it with the Lord. He will, I am certain, make all things clear and known to you. I pray for you to have peace and joy in your life, and I wish you blessings and prosperity in your investments. March 10, at 9: I think there is a real difference between buying from a company and investing in a company.

July 14, at Real Christians dont FEAR the stock market, we fear God, and he has given us discernment re: Christians should not even debate this foolishness about gambling, lottery, bingo, stock market, or any other methods of obtaining money by chance.

And if the stock market is ok, then why did ppl began jumping out of windows during the depression? Could it be the stock market was their God and it failed them? Proverbs says the blessing of The Lord, it maketh rich and he addeth no sorrow to it. So please wake up, this is just a sad excuse to do what we want to do!!!!! Could it not be a blessing in disguise from the Lord?

I agree that gambling is both a quick-rich scheme and dishonoring to the father, I am not so convinced with investing yourself.

Were you aware that when you put money in a Savings Account you are actually investing? When you put money in profitable binary options trading platform account, you draw interests from your bank for saving with them over a designated time frame.

Just want to add one more comment. As I forgot to on the last. The bible gave us ways to be blessed not just financially but in all areas of our lives. He said blessed is he that considerate the poor, The Lord will deliver him in time if trouble. He also said give and it shall be given……. David also said, ive never seen the righteous Forsaken, not his seed begging bread!

July 25, at 3: Shari Lee Beynon, Psalm 1: July 25, at 5: Melinda, If you do not tithe, then your money is never blessed. Using your logic I should never drive again because a sinner could hit me. I should never leave my house because sinners kill and get killed. If you know ANYTHING about investing, real investing, it requires an enormous amount of mathematical skill and ability to evaluate economic conditions of companies and countries.

A person who invests for a living trades knowledge and math skills and money to acquire his salary. I can understand some of your confusion specify messageboxoptions fxcop so many people think they can invest in the market the same as shoot basketballs or throw touchdowns, or do laundry, or cook.

It is not something you just decide to do. What is your job? Should I show up at your work and proclaim it the devil? If you are doing manufacturing, are you not projecting that someone will purchase what you create? That is gambling, yes? If you are in sales, do you assaxin 8 binary options who will forex expert advisor mt4 the next product from you?

Oh, forex rates in pak you are gambling that someone will buy something from you so you can pay your bills, eat, and live??

And most likely, if the organization is large enough, people have shares in that business and are gambling on YOU as to whether or not you will build or sell the product. I suppose you should go on welfare to avoid all this gambling, oh, but that makes you a sluggard?

How many casinos have you seen with employees trying to figure out what bet to take next? How how to get unlimited money in deer hunter 2016 you possibly compare capitalism what time does australian forex market open casino gambling or buying a lottery ticket?

Do you know you are allowed to educate yourself and disagree with people who have told forex trading slogans wrong things? Is Jesus therefore evil? You want to know the MAJOR difference between gambling and investing?

When you gamble, the entire amount you risk is gone from you. You cannot get it back until the reason of the gamble has concluded. When you invest, you can withdraw, or add, funds to your risk at ANY time. If you think you made a mistake on an investment, close the risk. You cannot do that when you gamble. This is how you know the difference. One requires continuous decision-making, the other is tossed and lost unless you win. It is time to mature Melinda. Are you saving money for them?

Or, according to you, gambling. Even farming is investing!! After a crop is harvested it is stored until the farmer can sell his crop for a decent price. You want to call that gambling too? Stop eating vegetables and meat!! It was purchased by gambling in the market…according to you. That gas in your car was bought the same way. You are using gas purchased by gambling in the market…according to you.

Investing is a business. Capitalism is a form of distributing goods and services. Stocks are initially sold to raise capital for a business so it can establish itself or grow. It is not a sporting contest nor a game of chance.

Hopefully you realize the difference now. I am concerned about the people you associate with that have forced you to believe such nonsense. I cower to wonder what else you have been misled about??

Please do yourself a BIG favor and pray in the Spirit and you will get the enlightenment you seek. I sense you have been taught some over-the-top life lessons that were never properly delivered. Perhaps you needed this type of instruction to guide your life, but please realize it is too strict and therefore invalid to the rest of us. I only have one other question for you.

If you are poor yourself, how many poor people can you help? How many can you feed? How many hospitals can you build? You asked about turning up noses, so tell me, how many poor people have you helped with your vast fortune that you will not invest?? He wants you to succeed. Your comments are testament to your passion for a true answer.

You are completely free to choose right from wrong, and whether or not business is gambling. I hope you evaluate, rather than criticize, and I hope I have not embarrassed you. I only mean to help you grow, but my analysis to convey my point might be over-the-top: July 4, at I was born and raised in the Assembly of God church, and we were always taught to tithe. Tithing was a covenant between God and the Israelites, and we are no longer under the law.

The new covenant says we are to give what ever we decide in our heart, you can give a little or you can give a lot, its totally up to you unless God specifically lays it on your heart to give more. We are definitely suppose to give, and even give sacrificially, but I just call it an offering. November 24, at 8: The Great Recession was largely caused by banks and financial institutions making bad bets on the housing market.

It was nothing less than gambling. And any investor who was heavily invested in these financial vehicles probably lost a lot of money. Neither gambling or the stock market is a moral issue with me.

Not a Great Time to Invest in Stock Market, Says Shiller

July 1, at 9: I believe Christians have no business investing in the stock market, it is greed driven. Business has only one purpose, to make a profit. If your a Godly person and you invest in companies that send jobs over seas, to take advantage of slave labor, has children chained to machines, and if someone gets hurt or killed they just throw them out into the streets and go get another one, guess what, you just invested in a demonic enterprise.

You put your seal of approval on it with your own money and your blessing. That piece of stock you own represents nothing more than a piece of hell on earth. I know the world says this is how you make money, but God says if you want to be apart of his kingdom you must come out of the world.

I have a k, but I refuse to invest it in the stock market. The stock is greed in its highest form, and greed is Idolatry! July 11, at 5: As a young believer, when a youth leader was explaining Stock market as an investment to my Mom: I may have got the idea wrong about stock market please correct me if i have.

August 30, at 8: Investing is a good way to make and lose money. Investing has the connotation of getting something for your money but in actuality you can be devesting instead. As in devested of your money. I put my funds back into stocks, mutual funds and bonds in Dec. Here it is a year and eight months later and I have lost around nine grand. Six of my original investment and three that were gained. It has been a good education for me. Up to now I had never lost any money on any investment I made.

I cut my loses and my advisor screamed and railed against it. February 10, at 2: I am a couple years late to the discussion, but better late than never.

Here is my two sense about this. Hey Demi I understand the points you made in your post, however there is one piece of the puzzle you left out. This is different from me buying a lotto ticket. Now to the matter of buying stocks. To better understand if it is right or wrong if we can determine that we must break it down and understand each part. So here in lies the chance, i am taking a chance that my money will grow, but there is a chance i can loose it all.

If the market goes in you favor and you become a billionaire, did you labor for it… No. I know that stick market takes a lot of calculations analysis and research and can be difficult even impossible to predict, but it all still boils down to chance. I personally think the stock market is an investment of chance and thus, should not be entered into by christians, which is different from me putting my money in a fixed deposit account in the bank for 10 years.

At the end of the day i am guaranteed to get back at least my initial principal, there is no chance of me loosing that. May 25, at I am not sure I want to participate. February 27, at 6: The information contained in BibleMoneyMatters. Please contact an independent financial professional for advice regarding your specific situation. In accordance with FTC guidelines, we state that we have a financial relationship with some of the companies mentioned in this website.

This may include receiving access to free products and services for product and service reviews and giveaways. Any references to third party products, rates, or websites are subject to change without notice.

We do our best to maintain current information, but due to the rapidly changing environment, some information may have changed since it was published. Please do the appropriate research before participating in any third party offers. We respect your privacy: Bible Money Matters Christian personal finance. Menu About Archives Contact Close Making Money Popular Articles 50 Ways To Make Money: Maximizing, Creating And Increasing Your Income 10 Weird And Unconventional Ways To Make Money Making Money With A Blog e-Book 10 Places To Sell Or Trade Your Unused Or Broken Electronics Ways To Make Extra Money Series: How To Make Money As An Airbnb Host.

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What Does the Bible Say About Stock Investment?

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Should Christians Invest In Stocks? By Khaleef Crumbley 35 Comments. What Is Investing In Stocks? Continues after Advertisement googletag. Should A Christian Lend Money And Earn Interest? The Dangers Of Investing For A Christian Part 1: Profiting From Sin The Dangers Of Investing For A Christian Part 2: Trusting In Wealth Instead Of God 5 Signs You Are Financially Ready To Retire. Comments Share Your Thoughts: Even the so called socially faith based funds are complete B.

Hey Evan, I think that is the big question when it comes to Christians investing. This was a really helpful reply by Khaleef Crumbley. I really need some help with this one. Maybe it is best explained through the Word itself—paraphrased, but with the passages acknowledged: Thank you my brothers and sisters in Christ. Chance — A possibility of something happening. Can buying stocks be considered a investment of chance?

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